High-quality products for concrete construction - B.T. innovation Formwork Systems Our formwork technology, the ideal solution for fast and precise formwork of concrete elements. Our products Shuttering Magnets Our patented magnetic technology, in combination with our formwork beams, offers the ideal solution for fast and precise formwork of precast concrete elements. Our products Connecting Systems Modern and easy-to-use technologies for fast and effective assembly of precast elements. Our products Sealants and Waterproofing Simple and cost-efficient sealing on almost all substrates, even in damp and low temperatures. Proven and approved a thousand times over. Our products Special construction articles We offer a wide range of special construction articles, consumables and accessories for the precast industry and for the construction site. Our products Battery Mould and Butterfly Formwork® Stationary production of precast concrete parts with up to 4 times the productivity. Our products Tilting tables Our tilting tables are versatile in use. They enable the horizontal production of walls, façades and special elements. Our products Affordable Housing The "Affordable Housing" concept is the solution for fast-growing population groups that need high-quality housing. Governments and aid organisations that are dependent on rapid first aid in crisis areas with large numbers of refugees or after natural disasters can also create safe accommodation with the Low Cost House. Our products