Sealing the roof with BT innovation
If you have a leaky roof, you can easily do it yourself with a little manual skill and seal the roof. It depends on the type of roof, the size and position of the leaks, with which product to approach the repair. BT innovation offers several variants that make sealing easier for you.
Seal flat roof with high quality materials
If the flat roof of the garage, house extension or garden shed is leaking, you can usually fix the problem yourself. Roofs are permanently exposed to the weather. That means not only rain, hail and storms, but also a lot of UV radiation. Therefore, when choosing the material you want to use, make sure that it is waterproof, airtight, elastic and UV-resistant. In this case, haste is required, because if moisture penetrates through the roof, it leads to damage to the entire structure of the building and mold in the damp apartment.
Note: The methods presented here are not intended to seal roofs with tiles / roofing tiles.
BT sealing products are excellent for this purpose:
- Sealing individual spots and joints in the roof of the house, garage or shed,
- Sealing leaking flat roofs over a large area
- Combining the sealing of joints and surfaces in a few simple steps
Thus, the roof waterproofing can be realized safely and quickly.

BT solutions for your roof sealing
InnoElast® – Your professional for sealing joints and repairing individual spots
As a rule, it is not the whole roof, which is leaking. Large-scale sealing is therefore not necessary. Especially older roofs, which have been exposed to the weather for a long time, show damage over time. Often it is joints that peel off over time, or cracks form even on roof surfaces. In these cases, you can target these areas and save yourself the time and money of surface sealing. Leaky joints in the roof can be sealed permanently with InnoElast® 1 and 2.
Advantages of InnoElast® Type 1
- Solvent-free
- low-shrinkage
- Applicable on damp substrates from -3°C
- Weather and UV resistant
- Permanently elastic
- Up to 25% motion absorption
- Applicable without primer
Advantages of InnoElast® Type 2
- Solvent-free and low shrinkage
- Applicable on damp substrates from -3°C
- Weather and UV resistant, high resistance to chemicals
- Permanently elastic
- Up to 10% motion absorption
- Applicable without primer
- Pressure waterproof up to 0,48 bar

InnoElast® is applied to a clean substrate, which must be free of dust, grease and oil. InnoElast® is filled on this by means of a tubular bag gun and then cures effectively. Curing is 2-3 mm per 24 h, at a room temperature of 23°C and humidity of 50%. The skin formation time is 2-3 hours for InnoElast® Type 1 and 15 minutes for InnoElast® Type 2 under the same conditions.
Instructions - Processing as a joint sealant
ProElast® – The two-component solution for large-area sealing of roofs
For older roofs, it may be necessary to seal larger areas. After a long period of exposure, the joints of the bituminous sheeting become loose and the sheeting itself can also be damaged. Roof sealing of larger areas repairs the places that are already leaking and prevents them from becoming more. Consisting of resistant EPDM film and the extremely adhesive InnoElast® surface adhesive, it provides a durable and extremely strong bond. The ProElast® system is characterized by unlimited waterproofing, high weather resistance and simple processing.
ProElast® System – Advantages
- Pressure waterproof up to 2 bar
- Application on damp, ice-free substrate from 3°C
- Weather and UV resistant
- With InnoElast® type 2 = high chemical resistance
- Applicable without primer

After applying InnoElast® adhesive to a clean substrate, it is spread by means of a notched trowel. The sealing film is then glued centrally over the joint so that no air bubbles remain. The edges are then sealed with InnoElast® Type 1 or Type 2. Short curing times enable fast further work. The skin formation time is 2-3 hours for InnoElast® Type 1 and 15 minutes for InnoElast® Type 2 at a room temperature of 23°C and a humidity of 50%. Within 24 hours, a layer thickness of 2 to 3 mm, at a room temperature of 23°C and humidity of 50%, cures effectively. In this way, you reliably seal construction joints, predetermined crack cross-sections and movement joints.
Instructions - Processing as surface sealing
LiquidElast® Type S for larger roof areas
Repairs to existing roofing membranes can also be carried out with the paintable LiquidElast® Type S. To make the repair durable, sand or slate chippings should be finally sprinkled into the top layer of the liquid film.

LiquidElast® – Advantages
- Pressure waterproof up to 1,0 bar
- Wear resistant and resistant to many chemicals
- Applicable on damp substrates from 0°C
- Crack-bridging up to 5 mm
- Permanently elastic
Instructions - Processing as surface sealing
Protect roof from moisture sustainably
It’s not just the material you use when sealing your roof that matters. To make the repair as sustainable as possible, make sure your flat roof is properly drained. This includes the slope of the roof. This must be between 2 and 8 degrees. When applying a new layer for sealing, they should make sure that it is applied evenly so as not to negatively affect the slope.
Rain gutters and downpipes are also essential to reliably divert even larger masses of water away from the roof. Check regularly that they are not clogged or leaking as well.