Flexible formwork for floor slab – Syflex®
Innovative formwork for the construction site
The basic material for the flexible formwork system Syflex®- from B.T. innovation is plastic. With this material, straight lines, curves and corners can be realised with ease. Experience has shown that Syflex®- is an optimal formwork system for the production of base slab, edge and strip foundations. Increasing demands will be placed on the shape of the concrete in the future. The formwork of curves always poses a problem in this respect.
With the formwork systems commonly used up to now, this work is very laborious, time-consuming and therefore not very economical. In most cases, curves were made with heavy and inflexible wooden formwork. Therefore, the shuttering of such contours used to be very cost-intensive.
The Syflex® plastic formwork weighs only about one third of a comparable wooden formwork. Lifting gear is not usually necessary for shuttering. Handling with this flexible plastic formwork is extremely easy, faster and therefore also much more economical than comparable systems. The system for the formwork floor slab can also be reused many times. With Syflex®- you can shape concrete into almost any form. This flexible formwork system is also particularly suitable for path construction and gardening and landscaping. This flexibility opens up many different application possibilities for Syflex®-.
- Very light (approx. 1/3 of the weight of comparable wooden formwork)
- Shaping is done individually by cutting on site
- Very user-friendly and simple assembly/disassembly
- The easy handling for shortened construction times
- Syflex®- can be reused many times and is also very robust
- Very economical, resulting in a short payback period
- Curves easy to shape, memory effect
- The formwork system can be disposed of very easily, PE
- The fastening is very easy thanks to the eccentric
- Levelling is carried out with millimetre accuracy to draw off the concrete
- Radii from 1 m can be realised
Floor slabs are the foundation of many modern buildings, especially prefabricated and passive houses and energy-efficient house construction. For the production of floor slabs, formwork is often used, which offers many advantages for building and house construction. On the one hand, the floor slabs can be produced in a relatively short time, which is an important factor especially in tight construction planning. The quality is very high, but the costs are low. The formwork can be flexibly tailored to the floor plan and the needs of the builders (see formwork floor slab).
The formwork required for the floor slab can also be cut to the relevant floor plan if required and delivered to the construction site as a complete kit with a special installation plan. Some of the formwork remains attached to the component itself and is not removed, like the majority of the formwork. These elements are referred to as “lost formwork”.
Formwork technology has become an indispensable part of the construction industry. A formwork is a special mould into which the fresh concrete is poured in order to produce concrete components of various kinds. After the fresh concrete has hardened, the shell is usually removed from the new component. A formwork is thus a kind of negative for a concrete component. Fibre concrete is often used for the production of industrial floors.
You can find other formwork elements from B.T. innovation here.
The following elements are usually required for shuttering a floor slab: the shuttering elements, wooden pegs, a special shuttering oil and fastening elements. Before these can be installed, however, a clean layer is required on the floor slab to eliminate unevenness caused by dirt. Then the frost apron or the foundation strips are dug – in many cases the latter are also shuttered.
Frost aprons are cast for so-called “shallow foundations”, i.e. buildings without a basement, to prevent water from running under the floor slab and freezing in winter. This apron made of simple concrete can also be shuttered or cast directly into the earth trench.
The next step is to erect the formwork. To do this, set the formwork boards upright against the edge and support them with the wooden pegs. Here it is necessary to constantly check the exact position with the spirit level.
Formwork for floor slabs can be carried out quickly
In addition, the formwork must be extremely sturdily fixed or bolted in place, as the concrete flowing in has a high dead weight and builds up a lot of pressure. In contrast, the elements of the lost formwork are fixed with ground nails.
This prepares the formwork for concreting the floor slab. It is then rubbed with formwork oil so that the concrete can be easily removed after casting and curing. This process is not necessary with the elements for the lost formwork. The formwork must be sufficiently and evenly thick and completely intact.
In addition to the usual standard formwork, special formwork is also used, e.g. for special foundation types or for additional insulation. Many formworks are also reusable.